Frequently when loved ones pass away family members encourage donations to various organizations in their memory in lieu of flowers.  Donations to Assumption Church or St. Anthony’s Church in memory of loved ones is another way to honor the lives and faith of those who have gone before us.  All donations are gratefully received and acknowledged.  May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.  Amen.

                                              MEMORIAL GIFTS

Give a Memorial Gift to Assumption Church or Saint Anthony's Church in memory of a special friend or loved one. Your donation will honor their legacy while ensuring that our parish has sufficient resources to continue to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel.

When making your donation be sure to include the name of your friend or loved one and which church you wish your donation to go to.

Mail your check to:

Assumption of the BVM Parish

791 Potters Avenue,

Providence, RI  02907